
Exerwise is an educational fitness app created in our second year UI/UX course, we were given a problem to solve where a series of people need assistance in staying fit during the pandemic.

Created by:

Shane Toyama
Stefan Vranjes
Shayna Adivi

Tools Used:

Project Statment

“An interactive interface that includes various forms of interactions that a person may need in a day.”

Social interactions could include random pairings of 5 minute conversations then switching to a new user. Other forms of interactions include healthy eating prompts (healthier meal idea/shopping ideas) and exercises allowing people to stay active while being indoors.


This design idea would be aimed towards those who are stuck in their homes alone.

Those who have people to isolate with can also use the design. It is not limited to only people who have isolated alone, anyone who feels they need more interaction can use it.

Those who have people to isolate with can also use the design. It is not limited to only people who have isolated alone, anyone who feels they need more interaction can use it.